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    • Abbreviated Title: Int. J. Lang. Lit. Linguist.
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    • DOI: 10.18178/IJLLL
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IJLLL 2015 Vol.1(3): 203-207 ISSN: 2382-6282
DOI: 10.18178/IJLLL.2015.1.3.39

T. S. Eliot: The Renaissance Man of 20th Century; Doppelgänger (the Ghostly Shadow) in J. Alfred Prufrock

Surender K. Rohilla

Abstract—‘Prufrock’, in the guise of T. S. Eliot is indeed a perfect ‘Renaissance man of 20th century’ caught between the two contradictory forces with the only demarcation that while the renaissance man in Elizabethan age was caught in the pull of medieval and modern forces; whereas, ‘Prufrock’ is trapped between his own selves. The shadow (doppelgänger) of the split self is always heavier on the mind and character of ‘Prufrock’. The central argument in the paper is how the ‘doppelgänger’ of ‘Prufrock’ overshadows his real self. The main objective is to find out the causes of a suppressed psyche, an understanding of the process of the building up of ‘his’ character, and the environment which is instrumental in the making of ‘Prufrock’. ‘He’ is not an ordinary character and as Eliot has said that there is thin line between sanity and insanity, the aim is to bring out the ‘abnormal’ in ‘Prufrock’ by tracing the conflicting formative influences on the life of its creator i.e. T. S. Eliot, with the help of the language that he uses in the poem ‘Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock’, and the way ‘he’ behaves. The whole exercise seems to start moving in the direction of psychology, religion and theology for a more comprehensive understanding of ‘Prufrock’.

Index Terms—Doppelgänger, Prufrock, the renaissance man of 20th century, T. S. Eliot.

S. K. Rohilla is with the Department of English, Motilal Nehru College, University of Delhi, South Campus, New Delhi 110021, India (e-mail: surendrarohilla@yahoo.com).


Cite:Surender K. Rohilla, "T. S. Eliot: The Renaissance Man of 20th Century; Doppelgänger (the Ghostly Shadow) in J. Alfred Prufrock," International Journal of Languages, Literature and Linguistics vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 203-207, 2015.

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