• ISSN: 2382-6282 (Print); 2972-3108 (Online)
    • Abbreviated Title: Int. J. Lang. Lit. Linguist.
    • Frequency: Bimonthly
    • DOI: 10.18178/IJLLL
    • APC: 500 USD
    • Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Jason Miin-Hwa Lim
    • Managing Editor:  Jennifer X. Zeng
    • Indexed by:   CNKI, Google Scholar, Crossref,
    • E-mail: ijlll_Editor@126.com
IJLLL 2017 Vol.3(3): 91-95 ISSN: 2382-6282
DOI: 10.18178/IJLLL.2017.3.3.116

ABBA: Smart Information and Document Analyser

Özlem Uçar, Gurkan Tuna, Samsun M. Başarıcı, and Yılmaz Kılıçaslan

Abstract—During the last couple of decades the number of documents in digital form has grown tremendously in size. Consequently, being able to automatically organise and classify documents is highly important. The target of research in classification is to partition unstructured sets of documents into groups that give a description of the contents of the documents. Since the task is to assign documents to one or more classes or categories, it can be realised either manually or automatically, based on a set of algorithms. This paper presents a smart information and document analyser called ABBA. ABBA uses machine learning and natural processing techniques to provide a number of useful functions including correcting mistyped words in documents, separating intermingled documents, classifying documents into designated groups, extracting information from documents, and easing document access, document control, management and storage by processing even unstructured documents. In addition to presenting the details of ABBA, this paper also gives information about major solution areas and sectors in which ABBA can be used.

Index Terms—Information analysis, document analyser, machine learning techniques, natural language processing.

Ö. Uçar and G. Tuna are with the Department of Computer Engineering, Trakya University, Edirne, Turkey (e-mail: ozlemu@trakya.edu.tr, gurkantuna@trakya.edu.tr).
S. M. Başarıcı and Y. Kılıçaslan are with the Department of Computer Engineering, Adnan Menderes University, Aydın, Turkey (e-mail: sbasarici@adu.edu.tr, yilmaz.kilicaslan@adu.edu.tr).


Cite:Özlem Uçar, Gurkan Tuna, Samsun M. Başarıcı, and Yılmaz Kılıçaslan, "ABBA: Smart Information and Document Analyser," International Journal of Languages, Literature and Linguistics vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 91-95, 2017.

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