• ISSN: 2382-6282 (Print); 2972-3108 (Online)
    • Abbreviated Title: Int. J. Lang. Lit. Linguist.
    • Frequency: Bimonthly
    • DOI: 10.18178/IJLLL
    • APC: 500 USD
    • Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Jason Miin-Hwa Lim
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    • E-mail: ijlll_Editor@126.com
IJLLL 2019 Vol.5(2): 133-137 ISSN: 2382-6282
DOI: 10.18178/IJLLL.2019.5.2.215

A Space Created Within: A Non-Subversive Way of Subversion in Carol Ann Duffy‟s The World’s Wife

Ying Zhou

Abstract—Carol Ann Duffy’s poetry collection The World’s Wife has long aroused critics’ interest since its publication in 1999. In this poetry collection, Duffy deconstructs history, mythology and fairy tale, which are all inevitably centered on male domination. The intention of subversion is patent, yet the way of Duffy’s subversion, if carefully examined, is non-subversive, which forms a contrast and merits further analysis. Through a carefully-wrapped presentation of pervasive employment of colloquialism, a space created for mutual connection and attachment, as well as an illusion of innocent victims and vicious oppressors, Duffy has cleverly created a non-subversive space within male’s voice domain and achieved a subtle balance between two sexes. Different from what critics would normally regard as the traits that define women’s writing, Duffy’s changing of tacks in The World’s Wife proves that subversive essence does not necessarily constitute the core of women’s writing and a multifaceted relation should be further explored

Index Terms—Carol Ann Duffy, poetic subversion, The World’s Wife, women’s writing.

The author is now with the School of Foreign Studies, Minzu University of China (e-mail: 17300909@muc.edu.cn).


Cite:Ying Zhou, "A Space Created Within: A Non-Subversive Way of Subversion in Carol Ann Duffy‟s The World’s Wife," International Journal of Languages, Literature and Linguistics vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 133-137, 2019.

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