Abstract—This paper discusses the use of time-fuzzy words
and frequency-fuzzy words in President Xi Jinping’s diplomatic
speeches, and analyzes the fuzziness of the words “long-term”
and “continuous”, which are frequently used in the time-fuzzy
words and frequency-fuzzy words. Meanwhile, it discusses the
pragmatic function of these two words based on specific corpus
of diplomatic speeches. According to the study, it is found that
the use of fuzzy words in diplomatic speech is typical and
representative, which is of vital importance to the writing of
political-style writing and political communication. In political
language writing, the pragmatic function of fuzzy words cannot
be replaced by precise words. However, the use of fuzzy words
requires certain rules and regulations, such as grasping the
ambiguity degree of fuzzy words and combining fuzzy words
with precise words. Otherwise, the political discourse will look
like stereotyped and rigid, resulting in a negative impact of fake
and inane political discourse language.
Index Terms—Diplomatic speech, fuzzy words, pragmatic
The author is with the School of Humanities, Huazhong University of
Science and Technology, Wuhan CO 430074, China.
E-mail: zhusiwei_hust@outlook.com
Cite:Siwei Zhu, "A Study on Fuzzy Words in Chinese Diplomatic Discourse," International Journal of Languages, Literature and Linguistics vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 302-307, 2023.