• ISSN: 2382-6282 (Print); 2972-3108 (Online)
    • Abbreviated Title: Int. J. Lang. Lit. Linguist.
    • Frequency: Bimonthly
    • DOI: 10.18178/IJLLL
    • APC: 500 USD
    • Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Jason Miin-Hwa Lim
    • Managing Editor:  Shira.W.Lu
    • Indexed by:   CNKI, Google Scholar, Crossref,
    • E-mail: ijlll_Editor@126.com
IJLLL 2024 Vol.10(2): 142-145
DOI: 10.18178/IJLLL.2024.10.2.501

China English Accent or Errors?

Fang Lyu, Yan Yuan, Yang Cao, and Yi Zhang*
School of Foreign Studies, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China
Email: lvfang@nwpu.edu.cn (F.L.); yuanyan@nwpu.edu.cn (Y.Y.); caoyang@nwpu.edu.cn (Y.C.); yizhang@nwpu.edu.cn (Y.Z.)
*Corresponding author

Manuscript received October 14, 2023; revised November 27, 2023; accepted January 4, 2024; March 15, 2024

Abstract—This paper reports a pilot study upon segmental and super-segmental deviations of 40 Chinese English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners’ sentence imitation task. The researchers annotated all substitute phonemes and tones for each observed phoneme and tone in the imitation task to describe some phonetic features of the norm of China English Accent (CEA), and probe for the dividing line between CEA and errors. Some carriers of CEA have been observed on the base of the data analysis to describe parts of the norm of CEA upon which a tentative dividing line was drawn between CEA and errors. Some pedagogical reflections were made to cast upon English teaching. Teacher’s stance towards CEA was discussed.

Keywords—China English accent, error, norm, deviation, English as a Foreign Language (EFL)


Cite:Fang Lyu, Yan Yuan, Yang Cao, and Yi Zhang, "China English Accent or Errors?," International Journal of Languages, Literature and Linguistics, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 142-145, 2024.

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